Ross Johnstone ~ The Life and the Laughs

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy Christmas

Christmas has come and gone for this year, and it's 2007 in two days.

I received two nice ties, a large Spanish dictionary and plenty of money, so it was good fun.

I need to do more revision for my GCSE mocks which start next week, but it's starting that takes the most effort.

For about a month, our internet had been unblievably rubbish until this morning, when we got a new modem, and now it's good again! It's such a relief for pages to load near instantly and for videos to begin playing straight away due to fast streaming.

Ntl seem to be such liars, as we were told our internet would be sorted about a week ago due to our signal thing being restarted. I won't go into too much technical detail, mainly because I haven't a clue what it means.

But now with high-speed internet back I can do what I want to much more quickly: stare at MSN blankly, occasionally saying something to someone.


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Muse ~ 16th June, 2007

I'm seeing Muse on 16th June, 2007 at Wembley Stadium.

It will be great!

It will be my second actual gig, after Franz Ferdinand, whom I saw just over a year ago.

In all honesty, I'm expecting Muse to be better. Franz were still great though.



Following the success of my acoustic guitar, I decided to purchase an electric guitar, which should arrive within the week.

10W amplified included, and delivered for about £55, so not a bad deal.


(That's not a typo in the title; guitarra is Spanish for guitar.)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My 16th

I really should have posted this a week ago.

It was my 16th birthday last Tuesday. Good times.

Got Father Ted on DVD, as well as A Bit of Fry & Laurie.

An excellent selection.

Also got Bat Out of Hell III: The Monster is Loose.

I filmed my anual birthday archive video, but nobody shall watch it for many, many years.

Had quite a lot of work recently, science and history coursework, and lots of French work, as I am doing AS level.

I saw a performance of the Merchant of Venice a few days ago. Not the best. Rather small, grotty theatre under Waterloo station and it seemed a little amateur. I'm not sure that it improved my understanding of the play, but meh.